Paddle for a Cure – Hastings, MI
Saturday May 19, 2018
The Shepherd’s Shuffle – Brookings, SD
Saturday September 29th, 2018
Thank you sponsors, volunteers, and participants in The Shepherd’s Shuffle on Saturday, September 30th, 2017 in conjunction with the South Dakota Sheep Growers Association Annual Convention in Brookings, SD.
It was a great way to watch the sunrise!
For Details see GM1 for HD Golf Classic Site
Sunday February 28th, Brookings, SD Old Sanctuary (928th 4th St) 2-5 pm
Please join HD families, Glycoscience Research and The Shepherd’s Gift: GM1 for HD to get acquainted and learn more about a grassroots venture to bring a treatment for HD to clinical trials. Everyone welcome! Please bring a friend!Questions: contact Sue Holler 605-695-9478
Jan 8-10, 2016 is the Michigan Sheep Breeders Association Shepherd’s Weekend. We will be presenting “THE SHEPHERD’S GIFT: GM1 FOR HD” on Saturday Jan. 9th. In addition we will have a breakout session and a booth. Please join us as the grassroots effort continues to grow!
The GM1 for HD Golf Classic – Golfing for a Cure! Held on Saturday October 17, 2015 at Green Valley Golf Course, Sioux City, IA ( was a great success!! HD families and friends put together a fantastic fundraiser to help move GM1 closer to clinical trials.
The Dakota Lamb Growers Co-op 2015 Summer meeting: GM1 for HD & Charity Auction for The Shepherd’s Gift on June 26-27 was well attended. Thank you to everyone who donated items for the auction & everyone who purchased items to support The Shepherd’s Gift. We also appreciated the seed money for the auction provided by Thrivent Financial Action Teams. Live Generously was a very fitting theme for the event. Once again the family stories were touching and inspiring. A special thank you to the Hansen, Hilton and Oss families for sharing their stories. It is never easy but hearing from you is what keeps us trying to push GM1 forward to get the chance it deserves in clinical trials.
Jan. 23 – FDA PIND application successful! (see blog)
To help support this grassroots initiative see Facebook: The Shepherds’s Gift: GM1 for HD or CrowdRise

How can I help?…. A newborn lamb with the potential to produce GM1 to treat patients
On Dec. 13th we met with the Dakota Lamb Growers Cooperative at their Annual Meeting in Aberdeen, SD to continue spreading the word about GM1 for HD and update cooperators. For a recap of the presentation see The Farm Forum article (12/19/14 issue)
The Shepherd’s gift: Devastating disease could be thwarted. or The Rapid City Journal
Oct. 30-31st was a productive GM1 summit to bring researchers together to move toward a preIND FDA meeting and to pursue funding opportunities with NIH/NINDS.
Sept 26-28th-the SD Sheep Growers Convention was another opportunity to spread the word about GM1 for HD. Katelyn’s Family helped sheep producers realize the impact these GM1 lambs can have on families that desperately need a treatment for HD. The Button Boys are pushing forward with their efforts to raise funds for JHD research (see their Facebook page Button Boys fighting Juvenile Huntington’s disease). Kate and her brothers captured the hearts of SD sheep growers and their support for the Katelyn project was beyond amazing! GM1 for HD!!! Look for The Shepherd’s Gift:GM1 for HD on Facebook.
Over 80 people attended the June 28th GM1 Forum at the Dakota Lamb Growers Cooperative Meeting on our farm. Sheep producers and other interested local individuals joined us but most importantly families who live with Huntington’s Disease attended and shared their stories, putting a face to HD. Those in attendance were interested in raising these GM1 lambs to benefit families they met and the larger HD community.
Please visit our website often to learn about what’s going on with the farm and with research on GM1 ganglioside.
See our latest updates and let us hear from you here or on our blog page.
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